A Job in the Restaurant Industry…More Than Burgers and Beers

Have you ever thought about working in the restaurant industry? There are so many benefits to working in the restaurant industry! At Diamond Knot Brewery, we know firsthand what a great opportunity being a part of the restaurant industry is. It’s not just burgers and beer, there is so much more to our industry!

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First and foremost is flexibility. Because most restaurants typically have long operating hours, there is so much flexibility in scheduling. This industry provides employees the opportunity to work shifts at just about any point in the day. Whether you have a family,  you go to school, you are raising young kids, you want to pursue hobbies, go to parties,  etc., you can find a shift that meets your schedule.

Second, there are so many learning opportunities within the restaurant industry that go above and beyond the basics of serving food and drinks. Restaurants create opportunities for employees by teaching people skills outside of serving a table. At Diamond Knot, we recognize people’s needs and help them grow into functioning members of society. What good is employing people if you’re not going to teach them things and help them grow as people? When our employees succeed, we succeed as well.

Think that being a restaurant General Manager is just your day-to-day restaurant duties? You are so much more than that! Yes, we’re speaking to all you veteran GMs out there. You are an accountant, a logistics manager, and all too often a psychologist! We all have stories to share about being emotionally invested in peoples career path and life’s challenges and doing what we can to help.

Our industry has low barriers to entry. There are not a lot of industries that create opportunities for people in entry-level positions to move into management without the need of higher education. Working in a restaurant is fun. It builds teamwork, comradery and we have the opportunity at times, for you parents out there, to teach your kiddos a lesson you could never teach them yourself…how to get fired.

Whether it’s you or someone you care about, a first-time job or a change in career path remember that your local restaurants are serving up more than burgers and beers.

Source: https://www.worksourcewa.com/